Zonal Workshop of CFLD and Group meeting on Oilseeds and Pulses ||  Recruitment of Young Professional-II ||  Extension of Application form of TA163 ||  Advertisement for filling up of the posts Technical Post T-1 & T-3 through Inter - Institutional Transfer basis at ICAR-ATARI, Zone-IV, Patna-reg. ||  Recruitment of YP-I (ARYA) and DEO(CFLD Oilseed) ||  Recruitment of YP-I & YP-II ||  Walk-In Interview for the post of SRF (CFLD on Oilseed) on Contractual basis  ||  ICAR-ATARI-ZONE-IV-PATNA-1 Certificate ||  Work Circular 2023 ||  Filling up of vacant posts of AAO, AFAO and Stenographer at ICAR-ATARI, Zone- IV, Patna  ||  Walk-In Interview for the post of YP-I on Contractual basis ||  Addendum  ||  Filling up of vacant posts of AAO, AFAO, Assistant, UDC, LDC and stenographer at ICAR-ATARI, Zone-IV, Patna -reg. ||  Walk-In Interview for the post of YP-II on Contractual basis ||  Walk-In Interview for the post of SRF and YP-II on Contractual basis ||  Filling up of vacant posts of AAO, AFAO, Assistant, UDC, LDC and Stenographer at ICAR-ATARI, Zone-IV, Patna ||  RESULT OF THE WALK-IN-INTERVIEW HELD ON 24.06.2021 FOR RECRUITMENT OF SRF AND YP-I  ||  Walk-in-Interview 24.06.2021 ||  E-Tender Notice for Printing and Manpower Services. ||  TENDER FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT FOR PRINTING JOB AT ICAR-ATARI, PATNA. ||  TENDER FOR THE ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT FOR PROVIDING MANPOWER SERVICES AT ICAR-ATARI, PATNA. || 

ICAR at a Glance

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Indian Council of Agricultural Research established Zonal Coordination Unit at Patna

Indian Council of Agricultural Research established Zonal Coordination Unit at Patna in 1979 to monitor transfer of technology projects. The Zonal Coordination Unit was upgraded as Zonal Project Directorate in March, 2009 and again upgraded as ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Patna in 2015. Presently, this ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Patna is engaged in planning, monitoring, reviewing and supporting ICAR initiated technology dissemination projects mainly Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Patna.

The major functions of the ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Patna are: planning, monitoring and reviewing of KVK activities in the zone; to identify, prioritize and implement various activities related to technology integration and dissemination; coordinating with SAUs, ICAR institutes/organizations, line departments and voluntary organizations in the zone for implementation of KVK mandated activities; and facilitating financial and infrastructural support to KVKs for effective functioning.

Content Publications Some of Major Subjects

The National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in India has made efforts for propelling agricultural growth and achieving sustainable production in agriculture and its allied sectors through its Research and Extension education programmes. This led to ushering in green, white, blue and yellow revolutions in agriculture in the country and significantly increased the food grains, oilseeds, milk, fish and meat production. However, ever increasing population and changes in food habits, climate change, natural resources base degradation necessitates new strategies and innovations for accelerating agricultural growth.

Increasing agricultural production and making farming remunerative assumes importance and overriding priority because of globalization of agriculture. Agriculture sector is witnessing radical changes and challenges national and globally. The demand for agriculture commodities are changing in view of increased income and changing food choices. Globalization has also opened uncommon opportunities for our farmers to derive benefit. Therefore, efforts need to


The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is marching ahead with renewed vigour to face complex challenges and to harness domestic and global opportunities for the welfare of the farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in the food-supply chain. The efforts would be to become a leading organization in the world, which is responsive, vibrant and sensitive to the needs of its stakeholders.

Vision: Ensure food and income security for all, through technological innovations and sustainable agriculture.

ICAR- Upcoming Events

Massive Open Online Course on “Teaching Management” is being conducted from November 01-30, 2017

Small Ruminants: National scope on up-scaling production to products value addition and their safety 9-10, November, 2017

International 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (11th IFAF) at Cochin, Kerala during 21-24 November, 2017

XXXIV Annual Conference of the Indian Poultry Science Association (IPSA) during 28-30 November, 2017 in Bengaluru

ICAR - Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute.

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